If you are searching for a solution to the Nvidia Control Panel Settings Missing issues, then you are in the right place, here in this article, I am going to write different methods to Fix Nvidia Control Panel Missing Issue. After reading the whole you can easily Fix Nvidia Control Panel Missing problems on your Windows PC/Laptop.
Hai friends, I think you all know What Nvidia is? Nvidia is the type of graphics card that helps Windows users to enjoy graphics-related software and games. Nvidia Control Panel is not a big issue for any Windows user until it disappears or is hidden while it needs. Many of my users messaging me for the solution to Nvidia Control Panel Issues, finally, here is the article for you guys.
- Note: Actually, the Nvidia Control panel lets their users control the setting of the Nvidia Graphic card when they are using Graphic-related Software and Games. Sometimes they may miss the Nvidia Control panel due to the latest updates, faulty Graphics card drivers which are not trusted, missing registry subkeys and values, and Moreover, due to some random errors.
I think you will notice this issue when you are trying to open the Nvidia Control Settings on your Desktop Context Menu, Start Menu, or from Desktop out of the blue. You will notice the Nivida Control panel is missing from the above-mentioned places. Don’t bother about that, just follow the below-given Methods to Fix Nvidia Control Settings Missing on your Windows PC/Laptop.
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What is Nvidia Control Panel?
Nvidia Control Panel is the most strong and most advanced control panel and it contains the most advanced modified options available in this panel. This panel makes the users to use all the system features like the Nvidia Control Panel has the option graphics that help you in making the PPT (PowerPoint Presentation) not only PPT there are various purposes that the options available in this Nvidia Control Panel are used by the huge no of users.
Nvidia Control Panel can easily change the properties of all the features available in the system. Just a minimum of knowledge is required to operate the Nvidia Control Panel. So this is what Nvidia Control Panel defines.
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Use of Nvidia Control Panel
Nvidia Control Panel is used to provide control over the graphics driver and many uses will be understood if you download the Nvidia Control Panel on your device. 1st of all is well known for its control over the graphics. Those are the uses of the Nvidia Control Panel.
Where Nvidia Control Panel Locates?
Actually, you can check the Nvidia control panel on your Windows PC/Laptop without following the below methods by simply following the below steps.
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Control Panel Client\nvcplui.exe
Simply Double Click on the Nvidia and finally, that gives you the Nvidia Control Panel. If this method does not work on your end then you don’t have any other option, you have to follow the below-given methods to Fix the Missing issue of the Nvidia Control Panel.
How to Install Nvidia Control Panel?
These are the steps that you are required to follow to install the Nvidia Control Panel into your device.
- Open the Browser (CHROME) or any other Browser.
- Fill the search box with Nvidia Control’s official page and
- Then enter the details of your operating system in it before you install the Nvidia Control Panel.
- Also, select the language that you are required for later.
- And tap on the green Search option.
- Later click on the option “Agree and Download” Nvidia Control Panel.
- Then save it in your system for the usage of the panel.
- Double-tap on the installer that act will allow you to download the latest version of the Nvidia Control Panel.
- There the Nvidia Control Panel is available on your device.
So this is the way to install the Nvidia Control Panel on your device. There are so many options that are not working so there are many reasons that will lead to stopping the work of the Nvidia Control Panel. All those issues are raised for various reasons then here I will show the methods to overcome such issues.
Methods to Fix Nvidia Control Panel Missing Options:
- Unhide Nvidia Control Panel from Windows PC/Laptop
- Restart Nvidia Services
- Update Nvidia Graphics Drivers
- Manually Open Nvidia Control Panel
- Re-Install Nvidia Graphics Driver
- Uninstall Nvidia Completely from your Windows PC/Laptop
- Stop Overclocking your GPU
- Contact the Nvidia Support team to Fix Nvidia Control Panel Missing Issue permanently
#1. Unhide Nvidia Control Panel from Windows PC/Laptop:
Well, if you guys are looking for how to fix Nvidia control panel missing options then make sure to enable the control panel. Do follow the below steps carefully.
- The first step that you need to do is to press Windows + R keys simultaneously and then type Control in the dialogue box and click on ok.
- Now open the Windows control panel, in that make sure to select the Nvidia control panel.
- In the Nvidia control panel, make sure to go to the desktop option>click on add desktop context menu option.
- Finally, you can see the control panel of the Nvidia drive appears on your desktop screen.
#2. Restart Nvidia Services:
Yes, restarting the Nvidia services is one of the best options for fixing the Nvidia control panel missing option. So, do follow the below steps carefully.
- The first step that you need to do is to press Windows + R keys simultaneously and then type Services.msc in the dialogue box and click on ok.
- Now you can see the services window, in that search for the Nvidia services, and make sure to restart the service.
#3. Update Nvidia Graphics Drivers:
Sometimes outdated Nvidia graphic drivers might also cause this Nvidia control panel missing option. So, make sure that you have updated your graphic drivers properly. Do follow the below steps carefully.
- The first step that you need to do is to go to the start menu and then open the device manager by using the control panel.
- Now you can see the list of devices available in your device manager and make sure to search for the Nvidia driver.
- After finding the driver, make sure to give a right click and hit on the update driver option.
- Finally, wait for some time until the update is completed, and then check if the error is persisting or not.
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#4. Manually Open Nvidia Control Panel:
Well, if you guys are looking for how to fix Nvidia control panel missing options then make sure to manually open the Nvidia control panel. Do follow the below steps carefully.
- The first step that you all need to do is to open your computer and then go to the location where your Nvidia graphics driver was installed. Mostly it is C-drive.
- After opening the drive, search for the NVIDIA corporation’s folder and then open the control panel client option.
- In that control panel, search for nvcplui file and then make sure to run the file as an administrator.
#5. Re-Install Nvidia Graphics Driver:
Well, most of us have faced this Nvidia control panel missing option, the best possible solution to solve this issue is to uninstall and reinstall the graphics driver. Do follow the below steps carefully.
- The first step that you need to do is to go to the start menu and then open the device manager by using the control panel.
- Now you can see the list of devices available in your device manager and make sure to search for the Nvidia driver.
- After finding the driver, make sure to give a right click and hit on uninstall device option and wait for some time.
- Now go to the official webpage of the Nvidia control and then make sure to install the graphic driver and restart the computer.
#6. Uninstall Nvidia Completely from your Windows PC/Laptop:
Yes, Uninstall Nvidia Completely from your Windows PC/Laptop is one of the best options for fixing the Nvidia control panel missing option. So, do follow the below steps carefully.
- The first step that you need to do is to go to the start menu and go to the settings option then click on the apps and features option.
- In the apps and features option, go to the search bar and type Nvidia control panel and then search.
- Now you can see the Nvidia control panel on the screen make sure to uninstall the Nvidia control panel.
- After that go to the Microsoft store and then again try to re-install the Nvidia control panel.
#7. Stop Overclocking your GPU:
Well, if you guys are facing this Nvidia control panel missing options issue then make sure to stop overlocking your GPU. Some times, overlocking your GPU is good for your PC in order to improve your performance gain. But it may also lead to some errors like overlocking the GPU.
One of the reasons for forgetting this Nvidia control panel missing option is overlocking this GPU. We don’t know what’s the reason behind this. But many users claim that disabling the clocking has fixed this error.
#8. Contact the Nvidia Support team to Fix Nvidia Control Panel Missing Issue permanently:
So, if you guys have tried all the above-mentioned methods and none of them are not working for you, then the last thing you can do is contact the Nvidia support team.
- The first step that you need to do is go to my computer and then to C-drive where the driver is located.
- Now follow this path: program files>NVIDIA corporation> display.Nv container.
- After entering into the display.Nv container, you can see a file NVDisplay.container, and make sure to copy all the files of the file.
- The next step that you need to do is to press Windows + R keys simultaneously and then type shell:startup in the dialogue box and click on ok.
- This command will open the NVDisplay.container file, now make sure to paste all the copied files here.
- Now give a right click and click on the properties tab, there go to the compatibility option and then check the run this program as an administrator box and close all the windows.
- Finally, restart your computer and see whether the changes are applied or not.
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Frequently Asked Questions?
Question 1) I have Installed Lenovo drivers to date and lost the Nvidia Control Settings on my Lenovo Laptop.
Answer: Follow the below steps as mentioned then that will be the perfect method for your situation.
Question 2) It says “NVIDIA Control Panel is currently not available.” what should I do next?
Answer: Yeah then you need to search in the Browser like Chrome on the main site of NVIDIA Control Panel then install it again that will be the solution for your raised problem.
Question 3) I have tried the Un-install of Nvidia drives and Re-installing them again, but facing the same issue again and again.
Answer: Fill the search box with Nvidia Control’s official page and Then enter the details of your operating system in it before you install the Nvidia Control Panel that will be the solution so you won’t face the same problem again.
Question 4) I have recently Installed one Game, but when I am trying to change the Nivida Graphic card settings it is missing from the Desktop Context.
Answer: uninstall the app and reinstall it again then the problem will be solved.
Question 5) After Updating My Windows 7 to Windows 10, I am facing this issue on my Windows 10
Answer Then enter the details of your operating system that means ( windows 7 or 10) before you install the Nvidia Control Panel that will be the solution so you won’t face the same problem again.
These are the answers that are given based on the real experience of the users and even mine to share the most imp info.
I think whatever the methods I provided above are more than enough to Fix the Nvidia Control Settings Missing issues. If you get benefited from this article, then share this article with your friends and family and with those who want to fix these issues on their end. If you know any other methods, then please feel free to share them with us, which will help our users.
This article mainly concludes you How to Fix Nvidia Control Panel Missing Problems on your Windows PC/Laptop. If you face any further errors or problems after following the above methods, then feel free to share your query through the comments section. I will try my level best to give you a better solution for your query.
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Myself Naveena, introducing myself new to this profession, I am so much fascinated to write the tech-based stuff and willing to write the expository and narrative topics and my main intention is to deliver and share the knowledge to users by interacting with them about the various technologies, I love cooking, gardening and travel.
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